15 Apr

Why Lighting Makes You Awesome

Outdoor lighting might be an afterthought for some, but truly awesome people instinctively know that the right outdoor lighting is essential. Installing permanent lighting outside your home isn’t just about making it safer or increasing a home’s value. There are so many awesome things you can do when you have the right outdoor lighting scheme.


Everyone knows the guy hosting the cookout is the most awesome of the group. With outdoor lighting, you can host cookouts any time of the day or night. You could host a cookout that starts with lunch, segues into a sports game, then goes through dinner. You could also cook out no matter what time of year it was, even if it was dark at 5 P.M.

Creating Multi-Use Patio Space

The more lighting options you add to your patio space, the more awesome things you can do with it. Installing independent overhead and task lighting will allow you to set any mood while still being able to see the grill, table, or other accent areas. Have the option to light up the entire patio in case you have company with you late at night.


Did you know that you can personalize your lights? Your outdoor lights could be color changing, which would allow you to change the colors to your favorite sports teams throughout the year. You could also use the lights to celebrate the Fourth of July, Christmas, Halloween, and other events.

Safe and Welcoming

If you really want people to think you are awesome, your home needs to seem as safe and welcoming as possible. Having motion sensor lighting that lights the driveway and paths to your doors not only removes the risk of tripping, it also welcomes your guests by ushering them into your home with light. 

If you are interested in looking at some outdoor lighting schemes for your awesomeness, contact us today for more information.